Strengthen the immune system’s natural functioning to fight various chronic diseases
Increase stamina as well as to improve general health for everybody
NK cell activation – An immune cell that is generated in the human bone marrow to destruct harmful substances to the human body. NK cells can eat cancer cells
Enhance & Normalize Cytokine Production
Produce more white blood cells, produce more red blood cell
Immunity enhancement – Enhances immunity to maintain health
Immune cell activation – Improves human body defense capacity & Increase Biodefense
WHAT DOES HemoHIM name mean?
Hemo is short for hemoglobin.
H also means hematopoiesis (production of blood cells)
I also mean immune
M also means modulation
Him also means strength in Korean.
Who should take this Atomy Herbal Extract?
Who want to boost up the immune system also the patients who have a chronic disease.
Elders who need energy restoration are also workers who are exhausted from long hours.
Students that need physical endurance are also housewives who are worn out from the stress of housework.
Athletes who consume a lot of physical energy are also long-distance drivers.