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Shahin Painting Store

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Address : 1944 Brannon Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida 32216

phone : +1 904-807-7392

Hiring an expert painting and drywall company is very important to maintaining and increasing the value of your property. We have decades of experience, professionally painting both interior and exteriors, installing and finishing drywall and also repairing drywall. When you hire us, we will always make sure that your painting projects and or sheetrock jobs are done right and that your property is taken care of in the process for the best possible price and in a reasonable amount of time. Professional drywall installation and painting are skills that take years to perfect. And you will want to make sure that when you hire someone to complete a painting or drywall job that they know what they are doing so that it is done right the first time. There are many steps to setting up and finishing a painting job. First the surface must be prepped and cleaned and then taped to make sure that the painting coverage is precise and that paint does not overlap on surfaces that are not needing paint. Drywalling is also a multi-step process and each step must be done correctly for the job to be done right. Call us today for professional painting and drywall!

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Posted By Shahin Painting Store / March 18, 2023

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Shahin Painting Store

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