With tremendous effort from the Fellows, the BCPS was able to hold the first examination in July 1972. Later on National Professor Md. Ibrahim, who was at that time the President of BCPS and was an adviser in charge of the Ministry of Health and Family Planning, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, helped to procure a temporary premises for the BCPS in a house in Dhanmondi, Dhaka. Historic first convocation of BCPS was held in that premises in 1980. Professor M. A. Matin, at that time the President of the BCPS and also the Minister of Health and Family planning was instrumental in procuring fund for the construction of the College building at Mohakhali in 1980. The College was shifted to its own premises at Mohakhali in January 1982. In the following years, on the initiative of the Fellows of the College under the dynamic leadership of the College Council and the Executive Committee, the College has proceeded further. The examination system has been continuously updated to keep at par with the development of medical education and training in developed countries. Training and examination in many more subjects have been introduced. Fellowship in sub-specialties was started in January 1994.


The College is constituted by its founder Fellows, Fellows without examination, Honorary Fellows and Fellows admitted on passing the prescribed examination. The College Council comprises of 20 Councilors of whom 16 are elected by the Fellows and 4 are nominated by the Government from amongst the Fellows. The election of the council held every two years, after one-half of the members of the council have finished their tenure of office. Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the college held on last working day of February each year. The Council is responsible for the general direction of the general affairs of the College. The Council have the following committees to help: a) Executive committee consisting of President, Senior Vice President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two elected Members. b) Finance and Tender Committee consisting of the President, the Treasurer and two Members elected by the council and other members. C) The examination committee consisting of senior Vice-President in the chair and other members. D) The Reference committee consisting of President and other members. Secretary of the college is the Chief executive of the council and ex-officio members of all the committees and convener of all the committee meetings. There are different subcommittees for smooth functioning of the college activities. They are Disciplinary committee, Museum committee, Library committee, Journal committee, Students advisory committee, Continuing professional development (CPD) committee, Fellows welfare committee, Planning and development committee, Research and training monitoring committee, Ethical committee. Academic activities of the College are carried out under fourteen faculties: 1) faculty of Basic Sciences, 2) faculty of Medicine, 3) faculty of Family Medicine, 4) faculty of Surgery including Dentistry, 5) faculty of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 6) faculty of Paediatrics, 7) faculty of Psychiatry, 8) faculty of Radiology-Imaging and Radiotherapy, 9) faculty of Ophthalmology, 10) faculty of Anaesthsiology, 11) faculty of Hematology, 12) faculty of Otolaryngology, 13) faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and 14) faculty of Dermatology and Venereology. Their main functions are to make recommendations on academic activities within their jurisdiction and conduct teaching and training program.

Premise and Accommodation

The campus of the College is situated over three acres of land at Mohakhali, Dhaka. Presently the offices are housed in three buildings: The Old building, now designated as Block "A": The ground floor of the three-storied building accommodates a decorated lobby, President's room, Vice-President's room, one meeting room, one examination hall and general store. The first floor houses the auditorium, Department of Medical Education, Old Council room, a multipurpose class room. Two examination halls are situated on the second floor. The Academic Building, now designated as Block "B" : The academic building accommodates department of Examinations, Examination halls, Class rooms, Council room, Department of Press and Publications, Department of Skill development, Department of Information technology, Library and Archives with Electronic Library, Museum, Department of Research and Training Monitoring, Cafeteria, Prayer room, Faculty office, Dormitory and examiner's suite. The New Building, now designated as Block "C" : The new building accommodates the College lobby with reception desk, Department of Administration, Department of Finance, Examination Halls, Multipurpose Class room, Secretary's Office and Treasurer's Office. It is yet to complete vertical extension of this building from 5th to 9th floor. College library is equipped with recent books and journals having internet facilities can accommodate about 150 students. There is a fellow's corner where fellows can sit separately. There is also a separate bookshelf where books are displayed which are written and published by fellows. The library of BCPS aims at remaining dynamic and responsive to serve all Members, Fellows and students, to reflect good professional practice and foster quality, creativity with its collection and services. College museum situated near the library on the 6th floor of the building of Block B. There is an office, a specimen preparing room and a museum room. All the specimens have already been arranged in a modern design in this museum. BCPS has two modern cafeterias- one for examiners and another common one for students and staff. The BCPS cafeteria is working full swing. The snack and lunch is served during examinations, meetings, seminars, workshops from the cafeteria. Fellows and Members and other doctors coming to the College for different purposes use the cafeteria for snacks and lunch. The College has 48 suits on the 9th and 10th floor of the building of Block B for accommodating Fellows who are coming to BCPS for examinations or other purposes. At present 4 double bedded and 8 single bedded suits with aircondition are ready for use. Gradually other suits will be functioning fully.


Weekend courses are conducted for FCPS part-I examinees for different subjects. The weekend courses continue throughout the year except in the months of January, June, July and December. Continuing Professional Development Program: Regular program aims at updating Fellows' knowledge and capacity building are undertaken under CPD program. Besides, workshop, seminar and meetings are also held on different matters of interest and contemporary issues. Training program on "Research Methodology" is conducted for FCPS part-I qualified doctors regularly by the Research and Training Monitoring Department (RTMD) of the college. Training of the Trainers (TOT) programs on "How to Guide Dissertation and Monitor Training" are also being conducted by the RTMD simultaneously for the guides and supervisors. The College has gone beyond the campus for giving training for the supervisors working far away from Dhaka. The RTMD has done TOT program on "How to Guide Dissertation and Training Monitoring" in Chittagong Medical College, Sylhet M.A.G. Osmani Medical College, Rangpur & Rajshahi Medical College for the trainers and supervisors. Subsequent TOT programs will be held in other parts of the country. There will be refresher courses for the trainers. In this way trainers so produced will be able to conduct training program locally for the FCPS part I trainees on "Research Methodology". The RTMD has also taken initiative to form institutional training monitoring cell in different institutes to look after the progress of training. One of such kind has already been formed in different medical Colleges. The cells have already started and functioning. Hands on training on Basic Surgical Skills and Temporal Bone Dissection are regularly conducted for trainers and trainees in the Skill Development Lab of BCPS. Training program for Emergency Obstetric Care (EOC) and Neonatal Care (NC) for the FCPS part-II students and also for the senior fellows is being regularly held at Skill Development Lab of the college in collaboration with Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), UK. Basic Computer training is provided to the trainees and Fellows of the College in IT Lab of BCPS. BCPS has been recognized by the American Heart Association (AHA) as their training center for Basic Life Support (BLS) & Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS). BCPS is going to start the training program on Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) soon. Medical Education department on regular basis organizes workshop on capacity building on assessment system for various faculty members.


The College has unique system of accreditation of various medical colleges and institute as training center through inspection by a group of faculty members. Responsibility of a training institute recognized by the college is to impart training to the prospective candidate of the college examinations. BCPS has to inspect and authorize a clinical department to train a candidate for BCPS examinations. College inspection team visits a department in order to evaluate its availability of trainers, teaching facilities and other factors. Initially the medical institutes is required to filled up a prescribed form and submit the same to BCPS including a forwarding letter. After Preliminary selection BCPS forms an inspection team and fixes the date and time and informs the respective institutes for inspection. Every report of inspection team must have to submit to the Reference committee as well as Executive committee and College council for final approval to recognize the institutes. Examinations: The main activities of the college run around the examination. Each year examination starts 1st working day of January for January session and 1st working day of July for July session. Fellowship is offered in the following subjects:

General subjects: (22)

1) Medicine, 2) Surgery, 3) Paediatrics, 4) Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 5) Ophthalmology, 6) Otolaryngology, 7) Psychiatry, 8) Anaesthesiology, 9) Radiology & Imaging, 10) Radiotherapy, 11) Dermatology & Venereology, 12) Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 13) Haematology, 14) Biochemistry, 15) Histopathology, 16) Microbiology, 17) Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, 18) Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 19) Prosthodontics, 20) Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, 21) Transfusion Medicine and 22) Family Medicine.

Specialized subjects: (26)

1) Gastroenterology, 2) Neurology, 3) Nephrology, 4) Endocrinology & Metabolism, 5) Cardiology, 6) Pulmonology, 7) Hepatology, 8) Rheumatology, 9) Infectious Disease & Tropical Medicine, 10) Urology, 11) Neurosurgery, 12) Cardiovascular Surgery, 13) Thoracic Surgery, 14) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,15) Orthopaedic Surgery, 16) Paediatric Surgery, 17) Neonatology, 18) Paediatric Haematology & Oncology, 19) Paediatric Nephrology, 20) Paediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition, 21) Paediatric Pulmonology, 22) Paediatric Neurology & Development, 23) Feto-Maternal Medicine, 24) Gynaecological Oncology, 25) Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility, 26) Paediatric Cardiology. FCPS part-II examinations are being conducted for FCPS in various specialized subjects. Membership is offered in the subject of 1) Medicine, 2) Surgery, 3) Paediatrics, 4) Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 5) Ophthalmology, 6) Otolaryngology, 7) Psychiatry, 8) Anaesthesiology, 9) Radiology & Imaging, 10) Radiotherapy, 11) Dermatology & Venereology, 12) Dental Surgery, 13) Forensic Medicine, 14) Family Medicine, 15) Transfusion Medicine and 16) Clinical Pathology. Examinations follow delicate evaluation and scoring system that are very unique to this College. This helps to produce Fellows and Members with high levels of proficiency to match the needs of medical profession. The final Fellowship examination also requires acceptance/ defence of a dissertation/thesis undertaken by the candidates. In order to optimize assessment the College has introduced OSPE in part-II preliminary and final examinations in partial replacement of conventional oral and practical examination. The Viva Voce has been made more structured. The college is going to introduce e-logbook for monitoring of the competencies. The college is moving towards Single best answer (SBA) type of question from multiple True False (MCQ) Type in Part I examination. Exchange of examiners in different specialties exists between the BCPS and the Royal Colleges of UK, Ireland and also with regional countries like Pakistan, India, Srilanka, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia and Nepal.


The College confers Fellowship and Membership awards. Fellowship is awarded in three ways: Fellowship through regular examinations, Fellowship without examinations and Honorary Fellowship. Fellowship without examination is no longer awarded. Memberships are awarded on passing a prescribed examination. By now, 111 persons have been awarded Fellowships without examination while 228 others have received Honorary Fellowships. So far 142 foreign nationals have received such Fellowships. The total number of Fellowships and Memberships awarded through regular examinations until now are 5621 and 2650 respectively.


The College has built a rich heritage in academic and service spheres. The country largely owes its specialist medical practice to the College. Most of the medical teachers and consultants are the Fellows and Members of this College. Besides working in major specialties of medical sciences, Fellows and Members of this College have pioneered in the development of subspecialties in this country. Today, there is hardly any corner of the country where a product of this College is not engaged in humanitarian medical services and its development. There are also Fellows and Members working all over the globe having carried with them the fervor and fame of this College. It is expected that in the years to come the riches in heritage shall continue to grow.


With tremendous effort from the Fellows, the BCPS was able to hold the first examination in July 1972. Later on National Professor Md. Ibrahim, who was at that time the President of BCPS and was an adviser in charge of the Ministry of Health and Family Planning, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, helped to procure a temporary premises for the BCPS in a house in Dhanmondi, Dhaka. Historic first convocation of BCPS was held in that premises in 1980. Professor M. A. Matin, at that time the President of the BCPS and also the Minister of Health and Family planning was instrumental in procuring fund for the construction of the College building at Mohakhali in 1980. The College was shifted to its own premises at Mohakhali in January 1982. In the following years, on the initiative of the Fellows of the College under the dynamic leadership of the College Council and the Executive Committee, the College has proceeded further. The examination system has been continuously updated to keep at par with the development of medical education and training in developed countries. Training and examination in many more subjects have been introduced. Fellowship in sub-specialties was started in January 1994.


The College is constituted by its founder Fellows, Fellows without examination, Honorary Fellows and Fellows admitted on passing the prescribed examination. The College Council comprises of 20 Councilors of whom 16 are elected by the Fellows and 4 are nominated by the Government from amongst the Fellows. The election of the council held every two years, after one-half of the members of the council have finished their tenure of office. Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the college held on last working day of February each year. The Council is responsible for the general direction of the general affairs of the College. The Council have the following committees to help: a) Executive committee consisting of President, Senior Vice President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two elected Members. b) Finance and Tender Committee consisting of the President, the Treasurer and two Members elected by the council and other members. C) The examination committee consisting of senior Vice-President in the chair and other members. D) The Reference committee consisting of President and other members. Secretary of the college is the Chief executive of the council and ex-officio members of all the committees and convener of all the committee meetings. There are different subcommittees for smooth functioning of the college activities. They are Disciplinary committee, Museum committee, Library committee, Journal committee, Students advisory committee, Continuing professional development (CPD) committee, Fellows welfare committee, Planning and development committee, Research and training monitoring committee, Ethical committee. Academic activities of the College are carried out under fourteen faculties: 1) faculty of Basic Sciences, 2) faculty of Medicine, 3) faculty of Family Medicine, 4) faculty of Surgery including Dentistry, 5) faculty of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 6) faculty of Paediatrics, 7) faculty of Psychiatry, 8) faculty of Radiology-Imaging and Radiotherapy, 9) faculty of Ophthalmology, 10) faculty of Anaesthsiology, 11) faculty of Hematology, 12) faculty of Otolaryngology, 13) faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and 14) faculty of Dermatology and Venereology. Their main functions are to make recommendations on academic activities within their jurisdiction and conduct teaching and training program.

Premise and Accommodation

The campus of the College is situated over three acres of land at Mohakhali, Dhaka. Presently the offices are housed in three buildings: The Old building, now designated as Block "A": The ground floor of the three-storied building accommodates a decorated lobby, President's room, Vice-President's room, one meeting room, one examination hall and general store. The first floor houses the auditorium, Department of Medical Education, Old Council room, a multipurpose class room. Two examination halls are situated on the second floor. The Academic Building, now designated as Block "B" : The academic building accommodates department of Examinations, Examination halls, Class rooms, Council room, Department of Press and Publications, Department of Skill development, Department of Information technology, Library and Archives with Electronic Library, Museum, Department of Research and Training Monitoring, Cafeteria, Prayer room, Faculty office, Dormitory and examiner's suite. The New Building, now designated as Block "C" : The new building accommodates the College lobby with reception desk, Department of Administration, Department of Finance, Examination Halls, Multipurpose Class room, Secretary's Office and Treasurer's Office. It is yet to complete vertical extension of this building from 5th to 9th floor. College library is equipped with recent books and journals having internet facilities can accommodate about 150 students. There is a fellow's corner where fellows can sit separately. There is also a separate bookshelf where books are displayed which are written and published by fellows. The library of BCPS aims at remaining dynamic and responsive to serve all Members, Fellows and students, to reflect good professional practice and foster quality, creativity with its collection and services. College museum situated near the library on the 6th floor of the building of Block B. There is an office, a specimen preparing room and a museum room. All the specimens have already been arranged in a modern design in this museum. BCPS has two modern cafeterias- one for examiners and another common one for students and staff. The BCPS cafeteria is working full swing. The snack and lunch is served during examinations, meetings, seminars, workshops from the cafeteria. Fellows and Members and other doctors coming to the College for different purposes use the cafeteria for snacks and lunch. The College has 48 suits on the 9th and 10th floor of the building of Block B for accommodating Fellows who are coming to BCPS for examinations or other purposes. At present 4 double bedded and 8 single bedded suits with aircondition are ready for use. Gradually other suits will be functioning fully.


Weekend courses are conducted for FCPS part-I examinees for different subjects. The weekend courses continue throughout the year except in the months of January, June, July and December. Continuing Professional Development Program: Regular program aims at updating Fellows' knowledge and capacity building are undertaken under CPD program. Besides, workshop, seminar and meetings are also held on different matters of interest and contemporary issues. Training program on "Research Methodology" is conducted for FCPS part-I qualified doctors regularly by the Research and Training Monitoring Department (RTMD) of the college. Training of the Trainers (TOT) programs on "How to Guide Dissertation and Monitor Training" are also being conducted by the RTMD simultaneously for the guides and supervisors. The College has gone beyond the campus for giving training for the supervisors working far away from Dhaka. The RTMD has done TOT program on "How to Guide Dissertation and Training Monitoring" in Chittagong Medical College, Sylhet M.A.G. Osmani Medical College, Rangpur & Rajshahi Medical College for the trainers and supervisors. Subsequent TOT programs will be held in other parts of the country. There will be refresher courses for the trainers. In this way trainers so produced will be able to conduct training program locally for the FCPS part I trainees on "Research Methodology". The RTMD has also taken initiative to form institutional training monitoring cell in different institutes to look after the progress of training. One of such kind has already been formed in different medical Colleges. The cells have already started and functioning. Hands on training on Basic Surgical Skills and Temporal Bone Dissection are regularly conducted for trainers and trainees in the Skill Development Lab of BCPS. Training program for Emergency Obstetric Care (EOC) and Neonatal Care (NC) for the FCPS part-II students and also for the senior fellows is being regularly held at Skill Development Lab of the college in collaboration with Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), UK. Basic Computer training is provided to the trainees and Fellows of the College in IT Lab of BCPS. BCPS has been recognized by the American Heart Association (AHA) as their training center for Basic Life Support (BLS) & Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS). BCPS is going to start the training program on Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) soon. Medical Education department on regular basis organizes workshop on capacity building on assessment system for various faculty members.


The College has unique system of accreditation of various medical colleges and institute as training center through inspection by a group of faculty members. Responsibility of a training institute recognized by the college is to impart training to the prospective candidate of the college examinations. BCPS has to inspect and authorize a clinical department to train a candidate for BCPS examinations. College inspection team visits a department in order to evaluate its availability of trainers, teaching facilities and other factors. Initially the medical institutes is required to filled up a prescribed form and submit the same to BCPS including a forwarding letter. After Preliminary selection BCPS forms an inspection team and fixes the date and time and informs the respective institutes for inspection. Every report of inspection team must have to submit to the Reference committee as well as Executive committee and College council for final approval to recognize the institutes. Examinations: The main activities of the college run around the examination. Each year examination starts 1st working day of January for January session and 1st working day of July for July session. Fellowship is offered in the following subjects:

General subjects: (22)

1) Medicine, 2) Surgery, 3) Paediatrics, 4) Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 5) Ophthalmology, 6) Otolaryngology, 7) Psychiatry, 8) Anaesthesiology, 9) Radiology & Imaging, 10) Radiotherapy, 11) Dermatology & Venereology, 12) Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 13) Haematology, 14) Biochemistry, 15) Histopathology, 16) Microbiology, 17) Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, 18) Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 19) Prosthodontics, 20) Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, 21) Transfusion Medicine and 22) Family Medicine.

Specialized subjects: (26)

1) Gastroenterology, 2) Neurology, 3) Nephrology, 4) Endocrinology & Metabolism, 5) Cardiology, 6) Pulmonology, 7) Hepatology, 8) Rheumatology, 9) Infectious Disease & Tropical Medicine, 10) Urology, 11) Neurosurgery, 12) Cardiovascular Surgery, 13) Thoracic Surgery, 14) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,15) Orthopaedic Surgery, 16) Paediatric Surgery, 17) Neonatology, 18) Paediatric Haematology & Oncology, 19) Paediatric Nephrology, 20) Paediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition, 21) Paediatric Pulmonology, 22) Paediatric Neurology & Development, 23) Feto-Maternal Medicine, 24) Gynaecological Oncology, 25) Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility, 26) Paediatric Cardiology. FCPS part-II examinations are being conducted for FCPS in various specialized subjects. Membership is offered in the subject of 1) Medicine, 2) Surgery, 3) Paediatrics, 4) Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 5) Ophthalmology, 6) Otolaryngology, 7) Psychiatry, 8) Anaesthesiology, 9) Radiology & Imaging, 10) Radiotherapy, 11) Dermatology & Venereology, 12) Dental Surgery, 13) Forensic Medicine, 14) Family Medicine, 15) Transfusion Medicine and 16) Clinical Pathology. Examinations follow delicate evaluation and scoring system that are very unique to this College. This helps to produce Fellows and Members with high levels of proficiency to match the needs of medical profession. The final Fellowship examination also requires acceptance/ defence of a dissertation/thesis undertaken by the candidates. In order to optimize assessment the College has introduced OSPE in part-II preliminary and final examinations in partial replacement of conventional oral and practical examination. The Viva Voce has been made more structured. The college is going to introduce e-logbook for monitoring of the competencies. The college is moving towards Single best answer (SBA) type of question from multiple True False (MCQ) Type in Part I examination. Exchange of examiners in different specialties exists between the BCPS and the Royal Colleges of UK, Ireland and also with regional countries like Pakistan, India, Srilanka, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia and Nepal.


The College confers Fellowship and Membership awards. Fellowship is awarded in three ways: Fellowship through regular examinations, Fellowship without examinations and Honorary Fellowship. Fellowship without examination is no longer awarded. Memberships are awarded on passing a prescribed examination. By now, 111 persons have been awarded Fellowships without examination while 228 others have received Honorary Fellowships. So far 142 foreign nationals have received such Fellowships. The total number of Fellowships and Memberships awarded through regular examinations until now are 5621 and 2650 respectively.


The College has built a rich heritage in academic and service spheres. The country largely owes its specialist medical practice to the College. Most of the medical teachers and consultants are the Fellows and Members of this College. Besides working in major specialties of medical sciences, Fellows and Members of this College have pioneered in the development of subspecialties in this country. Today, there is hardly any corner of the country where a product of this College is not engaged in humanitarian medical services and its development. There are also Fellows and Members working all over the globe having carried with them the fervor and fame of this College. It is expected that in the years to come the riches in heritage shall continue to grow.

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Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons

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Bangladesh College of Physicians & Surgeons

Excellence is the Only Mark

Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons (BCPS) has been the pioneer in developing postgraduate medical education and training in this country. The College has played a unique role in producing specialists in various disciplines of medical science who are working as medical teachers, consultants and specialists. Fellows and Members of the College still constitute the majority of the specialist manpower in the country. Fellows of the College are also performing as specialist abroad. The College bears a heritage to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan (CPSP). The Eastern wing of the then Pakistan, which is now Bangladesh, had an office of the CPSP, but most activity was being conducted from the western wing. Following the independence of Bangladesh in 1971, on the initiative of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who was the Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Bangladesh at that time, BCPS was established by a Presidential Order in June 1972. A key role was played at that time by National Professor Nurul Islam. Professor Kazi Shamsul Haque was the first President of the College. All Fellows of CPSP who hailed from Bangladesh (erstwhile East Pakistan) were admitted as founder Fellows of the College.

With tremendous effort from the Fellows, the BCPS was able to hold the first examination in July 1972. Later on National Professor Md. Ibrahim, who was at that time the President of BCPS and was an adviser in charge of the Ministry of Health and Family Planning, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, helped to procure a temporary premises for the BCPS in a house in Dhanmondi, Dhaka. Historic first convocation of BCPS was held in that premises in 1980. Professor M. A. Matin, at that time the President of the BCPS and also the Minister of Health and Family planning was instrumental in procuring fund for the construction of the College building at Mohakhali in 1980. The College was shifted to its own premises at Mohakhali in January 1982. In the following years, on the initiative of the Fellows of the College under the dynamic leadership of the College Council and the Executive Committee, the College has proceeded further. The examination system has been continuously updated to keep at par with the development of medical education and training in developed countries. Training and examination in many more subjects have been introduced. Fellowship in sub-specialties was started in January 1994.


The College is constituted by its founder Fellows, Fellows without examination, Honorary Fellows and Fellows admitted on passing the prescribed examination. The College Council comprises of 20 Councilors of whom 16 are elected by the Fellows and 4 are nominated by the Government from amongst the Fellows. The election of the council held every two years, after one-half of the members of the council have finished their tenure of office. Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the college held on last working day of February each year. The Council is responsible for the general direction of the general affairs of the College. The Council have the following committees to help: a) Executive committee consisting of President, Senior Vice President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two elected Members. b) Finance and Tender Committee consisting of the President, the Treasurer and two Members elected by the council and other members. C) The examination committee consisting of senior Vice-President in the chair and other members. D) The Reference committee consisting of President and other members. Secretary of the college is the Chief executive of the council and ex-officio members of all the committees and convener of all the committee meetings. There are different subcommittees for smooth functioning of the college activities. They are Disciplinary committee, Museum committee, Library committee, Journal committee, Students advisory committee, Continuing professional development (CPD) committee, Fellows welfare committee, Planning and development committee, Research and training monitoring committee, Ethical committee. Academic activities of the College are carried out under fourteen faculties: 1) faculty of Basic Sciences, 2) faculty of Medicine, 3) faculty of Family Medicine, 4) faculty of Surgery including Dentistry, 5) faculty of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 6) faculty of Paediatrics, 7) faculty of Psychiatry, 8) faculty of Radiology-Imaging and Radiotherapy, 9) faculty of Ophthalmology, 10) faculty of Anaesthsiology, 11) faculty of Hematology, 12) faculty of Otolaryngology, 13) faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and 14) faculty of Dermatology and Venereology. Their main functions are to make recommendations on academic activities within their jurisdiction and conduct teaching and training program.

Premise and Accommodation

The campus of the College is situated over three acres of land at Mohakhali, Dhaka. Presently the offices are housed in three buildings: The Old building, now designated as Block "A": The ground floor of the three-storied building accommodates a decorated lobby, President's room, Vice-President's room, one meeting room, one examination hall and general store. The first floor houses the auditorium, Department of Medical Education, Old Council room, a multipurpose class room. Two examination halls are situated on the second floor. The Academic Building, now designated as Block "B" : The academic building accommodates department of Examinations, Examination halls, Class rooms, Council room, Department of Press and Publications, Department of Skill development, Department of Information technology, Library and Archives with Electronic Library, Museum, Department of Research and Training Monitoring, Cafeteria, Prayer room, Faculty office, Dormitory and examiner's suite. The New Building, now designated as Block "C" : The new building accommodates the College lobby with reception desk, Department of Administration, Department of Finance, Examination Halls, Multipurpose Class room, Secretary's Office and Treasurer's Office. It is yet to complete vertical extension of this building from 5th to 9th floor. College library is equipped with recent books and journals having internet facilities can accommodate about 150 students. There is a fellow's corner where fellows can sit separately. There is also a separate bookshelf where books are displayed which are written and published by fellows. The library of BCPS aims at remaining dynamic and responsive to serve all Members, Fellows and students, to reflect good professional practice and foster quality, creativity with its collection and services. College museum situated near the library on the 6th floor of the building of Block B. There is an office, a specimen preparing room and a museum room. All the specimens have already been arranged in a modern design in this museum. BCPS has two modern cafeterias- one for examiners and another common one for students and staff. The BCPS cafeteria is working full swing. The snack and lunch is served during examinations, meetings, seminars, workshops from the cafeteria. Fellows and Members and other doctors coming to the College for different purposes use the cafeteria for snacks and lunch. The College has 48 suits on the 9th and 10th floor of the building of Block B for accommodating Fellows who are coming to BCPS for examinations or other purposes. At present 4 double bedded and 8 single bedded suits with aircondition are ready for use. Gradually other suits will be functioning fully.


Weekend courses are conducted for FCPS part-I examinees for different subjects. The weekend courses continue throughout the year except in the months of January, June, July and December. Continuing Professional Development Program: Regular program aims at updating Fellows' knowledge and capacity building are undertaken under CPD program. Besides, workshop, seminar and meetings are also held on different matters of interest and contemporary issues. Training program on "Research Methodology" is conducted for FCPS part-I qualified doctors regularly by the Research and Training Monitoring Department (RTMD) of the college. Training of the Trainers (TOT) programs on "How to Guide Dissertation and Monitor Training" are also being conducted by the RTMD simultaneously for the guides and supervisors. The College has gone beyond the campus for giving training for the supervisors working far away from Dhaka. The RTMD has done TOT program on "How to Guide Dissertation and Training Monitoring" in Chittagong Medical College, Sylhet M.A.G. Osmani Medical College, Rangpur & Rajshahi Medical College for the trainers and supervisors. Subsequent TOT programs will be held in other parts of the country. There will be refresher courses for the trainers. In this way trainers so produced will be able to conduct training program locally for the FCPS part I trainees on "Research Methodology". The RTMD has also taken initiative to form institutional training monitoring cell in different institutes to look after the progress of training. One of such kind has already been formed in different medical Colleges. The cells have already started and functioning. Hands on training on Basic Surgical Skills and Temporal Bone Dissection are regularly conducted for trainers and trainees in the Skill Development Lab of BCPS. Training program for Emergency Obstetric Care (EOC) and Neonatal Care (NC) for the FCPS part-II students and also for the senior fellows is being regularly held at Skill Development Lab of the college in collaboration with Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), UK. Basic Computer training is provided to the trainees and Fellows of the College in IT Lab of BCPS. BCPS has been recognized by the American Heart Association (AHA) as their training center for Basic Life Support (BLS) & Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS). BCPS is going to start the training program on Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) soon. Medical Education department on regular basis organizes workshop on capacity building on assessment system for various faculty members.


The College has unique system of accreditation of various medical colleges and institute as training center through inspection by a group of faculty members. Responsibility of a training institute recognized by the college is to impart training to the prospective candidate of the college examinations. BCPS has to inspect and authorize a clinical department to train a candidate for BCPS examinations. College inspection team visits a department in order to evaluate its availability of trainers, teaching facilities and other factors. Initially the medical institutes is required to filled up a prescribed form and submit the same to BCPS including a forwarding letter. After Preliminary selection BCPS forms an inspection team and fixes the date and time and informs the respective institutes for inspection. Every report of inspection team must have to submit to the Reference committee as well as Executive committee and College council for final approval to recognize the institutes. Examinations: The main activities of the college run around the examination. Each year examination starts 1st working day of January for January session and 1st working day of July for July session. Fellowship is offered in the following subjects:

General subjects: (22)

1) Medicine, 2) Surgery, 3) Paediatrics, 4) Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 5) Ophthalmology, 6) Otolaryngology, 7) Psychiatry, 8) Anaesthesiology, 9) Radiology & Imaging, 10) Radiotherapy, 11) Dermatology & Venereology, 12) Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 13) Haematology, 14) Biochemistry, 15) Histopathology, 16) Microbiology, 17) Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, 18) Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 19) Prosthodontics, 20) Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, 21) Transfusion Medicine and 22) Family Medicine.

Specialized subjects: (26)

1) Gastroenterology, 2) Neurology, 3) Nephrology, 4) Endocrinology & Metabolism, 5) Cardiology, 6) Pulmonology, 7) Hepatology, 8) Rheumatology, 9) Infectious Disease & Tropical Medicine, 10) Urology, 11) Neurosurgery, 12) Cardiovascular Surgery, 13) Thoracic Surgery, 14) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,15) Orthopaedic Surgery, 16) Paediatric Surgery, 17) Neonatology, 18) Paediatric Haematology & Oncology, 19) Paediatric Nephrology, 20) Paediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition, 21) Paediatric Pulmonology, 22) Paediatric Neurology & Development, 23) Feto-Maternal Medicine, 24) Gynaecological Oncology, 25) Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility, 26) Paediatric Cardiology. FCPS part-II examinations are being conducted for FCPS in various specialized subjects. Membership is offered in the subject of 1) Medicine, 2) Surgery, 3) Paediatrics, 4) Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 5) Ophthalmology, 6) Otolaryngology, 7) Psychiatry, 8) Anaesthesiology, 9) Radiology & Imaging, 10) Radiotherapy, 11) Dermatology & Venereology, 12) Dental Surgery, 13) Forensic Medicine, 14) Family Medicine, 15) Transfusion Medicine and 16) Clinical Pathology. Examinations follow delicate evaluation and scoring system that are very unique to this College. This helps to produce Fellows and Members with high levels of proficiency to match the needs of medical profession. The final Fellowship examination also requires acceptance/ defence of a dissertation/thesis undertaken by the candidates. In order to optimize assessment the College has introduced OSPE in part-II preliminary and final examinations in partial replacement of conventional oral and practical examination. The Viva Voce has been made more structured. The college is going to introduce e-logbook for monitoring of the competencies. The college is moving towards Single best answer (SBA) type of question from multiple True False (MCQ) Type in Part I examination. Exchange of examiners in different specialties exists between the BCPS and the Royal Colleges of UK, Ireland and also with regional countries like Pakistan, India, Srilanka, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia and Nepal.


The College confers Fellowship and Membership awards. Fellowship is awarded in three ways: Fellowship through regular examinations, Fellowship without examinations and Honorary Fellowship. Fellowship without examination is no longer awarded. Memberships are awarded on passing a prescribed examination. By now, 111 persons have been awarded Fellowships without examination while 228 others have received Honorary Fellowships. So far 142 foreign nationals have received such Fellowships. The total number of Fellowships and Memberships awarded through regular examinations until now are 5621 and 2650 respectively.


The College has built a rich heritage in academic and service spheres. The country largely owes its specialist medical practice to the College. Most of the medical teachers and consultants are the Fellows and Members of this College. Besides working in major specialties of medical sciences, Fellows and Members of this College have pioneered in the development of subspecialties in this country. Today, there is hardly any corner of the country where a product of this College is not engaged in humanitarian medical services and its development. There are also Fellows and Members working all over the globe having carried with them the fervor and fame of this College. It is expected that in the years to come the riches in heritage shall continue to grow.

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