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Build a Totem | Online store for spirit totems | Build a Family totems

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“Nature Symbolism” - was used among early ancestors who were intimately connected with their natural environment. This connection gave them access to the hidden qualities and natural forces that surround us. Place a thought, wish or prayer upon the Build a Totem. Every time you ring the bell its vibrations will carry your thoughts, wishes, prayers resonating throughout the universe, enhancing your connection with heaven and earth. “Inner Connection” - All mindfulness gurus tell us one simple truth. To be truly happy is to look inwards. Creating, thinking, letting go - our some of the tenets that underlie at the heart of Zen philosophy. It is no wonder that then - when we indulge in a simple art form of creating clay totems using different blocks of clay - can give us that inner peace that we all crave for in our modern humdrum of things, and especially in times of the pandemic. “Studio 39”- Established almost a decade ago, this clay haven at the entrance of Clay Totems in Spanish Village Balboa Park is a place where you can get a chance to browse beautiful clay blocks imprinted with beautiful patterns from nature, animals, plants, herbs, and symbols that bring good fortune. Beverly Hartgrave, creator and owner of spirit-totems, can show you how to string these clay blocks into totems using spacers such glass beads of beautiful translucent colors with copper bells conical, cylindrical or humming bird shaped once you finish stringing the totem. The finished product is absolutely stunning and will bring joy, happiness to all your family in whichever place they choose to gather - garden, living room, or front porch. “Digital Making” - The in studio experience can be had virtually as well, using the online https://www.spirit-totems.com/canvas, where you can 1) Select a template 2) Drag the clay block from the left navigation bar 3) Checkout. An email will go Beverly that then she can put the items in order for you and mail them to you. “Clay Block Variety” - Beverly is constantly making clay blocks, firing them is quite a labor of love. Visit her - and you will see for yourself! Or contact her [email protected]., to book a private tour, and hands on spirit-totem building. You can choose from a variety of symbols - Dog - Loyalty, Assistance, Intelligence, Obedience, Protection, Resourcefulness, Communication Dragonfly - Prosperity, Strength, Peace, Harmony, Purity Bear - Bravery, Powerful, Confidence, Nurturing, Healing Butterfly - Resurrection, Transition, Celebration, Lightness, Time, Soul Dolphin - Gentleness, Friendship, Intelligence, Generosity, Playfulness Turtle - Long life, Order, Creation, Patience, Endurance Tree - Life, Healing, Permanence, Longevity, Roots, Strength, Protection, Peace Dandelion - Growth, Warmth, Clarity, Healing, Radiance, Illumination

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