The Bachelor of Information Technology programme started in the 1996/97 academic session, with an initial intake of 50 students. In 1997, the Faculty established five Departments, Artificial Intelligence, Information System, Computer System and Technology, Software Engineering and Library & Information Science.

To accommodate an increased student population, an additional building was built in 1997-98 which was officially opened by Dato' Dr. Fong Chan Onn, Deputy Minister of Education on 21st September 1998. 

Since its establishment, the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology has been led by a number of distinguished persons.


The Bachelor of Information Technology programme started in the 1996/97 academic session, with an initial intake of 50 students. In 1997, the Faculty established five Departments, Artificial Intelligence, Information System, Computer System and Technology, Software Engineering and Library & Information Science.

To accommodate an increased student population, an additional building was built in 1997-98 which was officially opened by Dato' Dr. Fong Chan Onn, Deputy Minister of Education on 21st September 1998. 

Since its establishment, the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology has been led by a number of distinguished persons.

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Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology

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The provision of computer facilities and services at the University of Malaya (UM) began in mid-1967, soon after the Computer Centre was officially formed in 1965. This also made the university one of the pioneers in computer usage in Malaysia. In December 1969, the Computer Centre took on an additional role of teaching and research of computer science and information technology. The Computer Centre Board was formed, comprising the Vice Chancellor (as Chairman), the Director of Computer Centre (as Secretary), and a representative from each Faculty, Institute, Centre of the university, and from the University Senate.

In 1974, the Diploma in Computer Science postgraduate programme was introduced. From its inception in the 1974/75 session to the 1999/2001 session, a total of 304 students had been awarded the Diploma.

The Master of Computer Science (M.Comp.Sc.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programmes were two higher degree research programmes approved by the Senate and had been administered by the Computer Centre since 1985. In addition, the Computer Centre offered a 4-year Bachelor of Computer Science programme. The first undergraduate enrollment for 1990/91 session was 50 students.

In April 1993, the University Senate agreed to the formation of the Computer Centre Study Board. The Board proposed the establishment of a faculty to be called the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (FCSIT). The existing Computer Centre was to be annulled and replaced by a Computer Services Division which was placed under the Chancellery. On September 22 1994, the University of Malaya Council agreed to the formation of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (FCSIT), and the Computer Services Division.

A sum of 4.2 million was obtained from the Ministry of Education under the Sixth Malaysian Plan to put up a new building for the faculty, with the necessary infrastructure for teaching, learning and research. The building was officially declared open by the Minister of Education, Dato' Sri Najib Tun Abdul Razak on 26 September 1996.

The Bachelor of Information Technology programme started in the 1996/97 academic session, with an initial intake of 50 students. In 1997, the Faculty established five Departments, Artificial Intelligence, Information System, Computer System and Technology, Software Engineering and Library & Information Science.

To accommodate an increased student population, an additional building was built in 1997-98 which was officially opened by Dato' Dr. Fong Chan Onn, Deputy Minister of Education on 21st September 1998. 

Since its establishment, the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology has been led by a number of distinguished persons.

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Sifullah Faisal 5
April 6, 2021 6:02 pm

Great one

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