Our approach to treatment is innovative. There are some tried and tested therapies used in humans but seldom, if ever, used in the practice of veterinary medicine. We are not afraid of using these treatments for our patients, and we have met with much success. For example, we perform blood transfusions of either fresh whole blood, packed RBCs, or frozen plasma to treat and reverse severe anemia.

The bane of most 3rd world countries is that vets are more versed in infectious diseases compared to other facets of medicine. Our doctors are experienced in treating diseases involving other fields such as endocrine, cardiac, and neurologic problems.

Surgery is conducted in a sterile operating room and in an aseptic manner. We are adept at performing general surgery, orthopedic surgery, and ob--gyne procedures. In two years, we plan to have the capability to perform other specialty surgical procedures as well. Post--operative care is personally handled by the operating surgeon and no patient is discharged until sufficiently recovered.

We understand that some owners are apprehensive at having their pets confined at a clinic since they are unsure as to who will watch over. Rest assured that we have a confinement area adjacent to the doctors quarters. A vet is always assigned for night--duty and patients are her responsibility. Owners are informed immediately, even at night, for any turn of events with their pet.

Visiting hours are from 9:30AM to 8:30PM, and we strongly encourage owners to visit their pets while confined. We believe that pets respond more quickly to treatment when they receive attention and love from owners.

Truth be told, a pet owner is only as responsible as his knowledge allows. We provide assistance in finding loving homes for pets that are put up for adoption. We can examine dogs for certain congenital diseases such as hip dysplasia and hypothyroidism. We certify those who are cleared and recommend that those who manifest these diseases not be bred again. We believe that one can become a responsible owner through proper education.

Truth be told, a pet owner is only as responsible as his knowledge allows. We provide assistance in finding loving homes for pets that are put up for adoption. We can examine dogs for certain congenital diseases such as hip dysplasia and hypothyroidism. We certify those who are cleared and recommend that those who manifest these diseases not be bred again. We believe that one can become a responsible owner through proper education.


Our approach to treatment is innovative. There are some tried and tested therapies used in humans but seldom, if ever, used in the practice of veterinary medicine. We are not afraid of using these treatments for our patients, and we have met with much success. For example, we perform blood transfusions of either fresh whole blood, packed RBCs, or frozen plasma to treat and reverse severe anemia.

The bane of most 3rd world countries is that vets are more versed in infectious diseases compared to other facets of medicine. Our doctors are experienced in treating diseases involving other fields such as endocrine, cardiac, and neurologic problems.

Surgery is conducted in a sterile operating room and in an aseptic manner. We are adept at performing general surgery, orthopedic surgery, and ob--gyne procedures. In two years, we plan to have the capability to perform other specialty surgical procedures as well. Post--operative care is personally handled by the operating surgeon and no patient is discharged until sufficiently recovered.

We understand that some owners are apprehensive at having their pets confined at a clinic since they are unsure as to who will watch over. Rest assured that we have a confinement area adjacent to the doctors quarters. A vet is always assigned for night--duty and patients are her responsibility. Owners are informed immediately, even at night, for any turn of events with their pet.

Visiting hours are from 9:30AM to 8:30PM, and we strongly encourage owners to visit their pets while confined. We believe that pets respond more quickly to treatment when they receive attention and love from owners.

Truth be told, a pet owner is only as responsible as his knowledge allows. We provide assistance in finding loving homes for pets that are put up for adoption. We can examine dogs for certain congenital diseases such as hip dysplasia and hypothyroidism. We certify those who are cleared and recommend that those who manifest these diseases not be bred again. We believe that one can become a responsible owner through proper education.

Truth be told, a pet owner is only as responsible as his knowledge allows. We provide assistance in finding loving homes for pets that are put up for adoption. We can examine dogs for certain congenital diseases such as hip dysplasia and hypothyroidism. We certify those who are cleared and recommend that those who manifest these diseases not be bred again. We believe that one can become a responsible owner through proper education.

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Pendragon Veterinary Clinic

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Pendragon Veterinary Clinic (PVC) was founded in 2004, as a veterinary clinic geared towards providing premium health services to pets and their owners.


Our humble beginnings

It started as a vision of Mayem Yao, DVM; way before it even occurred to her to become a veterinarian. As an animal lover who started breeding dogs when she was 13, she had several encounters which made her deplore the state of animal care in the country. She was disappointed by vets without a passion for caring for animals; unnerved by doctors who were afraid to approach and hold a dog in their arms; frustrated by those who could not explain the illness to her clearly; and angered by some who refused to treat or confine a dog claiming "ethics." The turning point came when a beloved bitch started having a very difficult labor in the middle of the night. It took hours for her to find a doctor willing to perform an emergency cesarean section. Sadly, the doctor was ill--prepared and made several incorrect treatment decisions, resulting in the loss of the mother and all her pups.

2011 - present

Moving Forward

We, of Pendragon Veterinary Clinic, believe that pets deserve the same treatment one would give to a family member. We provide 24 hour on--call emergency services to owners and there is always a vet on night--duty who is responsible for confined patients and is ready to accept emergency patients. An animal ambulance service for our clinic is available to pick--up the pet at anytime within Metro Manila. It is equipped with facilities used for basic and advanced life support.

An accurate diagnosis of disease is needed to provide appropriate treatment and ensure the well--being of your animal. We believe that this requires more than just the usual Filipino vet practice of "smelling" the animal. In contrast, our hunches are supported by scientific evidence. To diagnose, we make full use of our animal diagnostic laboratory, ELISA testing, x--ray, and ultrasound imaging. All results are explained to owners properly so that they will understand their pet's prognosis.

Our approach to treatment is innovative. There are some tried and tested therapies used in humans but seldom, if ever, used in the practice of veterinary medicine. We are not afraid of using these treatments for our patients, and we have met with much success. For example, we perform blood transfusions of either fresh whole blood, packed RBCs, or frozen plasma to treat and reverse severe anemia.

The bane of most 3rd world countries is that vets are more versed in infectious diseases compared to other facets of medicine. Our doctors are experienced in treating diseases involving other fields such as endocrine, cardiac, and neurologic problems.

Surgery is conducted in a sterile operating room and in an aseptic manner. We are adept at performing general surgery, orthopedic surgery, and ob--gyne procedures. In two years, we plan to have the capability to perform other specialty surgical procedures as well. Post--operative care is personally handled by the operating surgeon and no patient is discharged until sufficiently recovered.

We understand that some owners are apprehensive at having their pets confined at a clinic since they are unsure as to who will watch over. Rest assured that we have a confinement area adjacent to the doctors quarters. A vet is always assigned for night--duty and patients are her responsibility. Owners are informed immediately, even at night, for any turn of events with their pet.

Visiting hours are from 9:30AM to 8:30PM, and we strongly encourage owners to visit their pets while confined. We believe that pets respond more quickly to treatment when they receive attention and love from owners.

Truth be told, a pet owner is only as responsible as his knowledge allows. We provide assistance in finding loving homes for pets that are put up for adoption. We can examine dogs for certain congenital diseases such as hip dysplasia and hypothyroidism. We certify those who are cleared and recommend that those who manifest these diseases not be bred again. We believe that one can become a responsible owner through proper education.

Truth be told, a pet owner is only as responsible as his knowledge allows. We provide assistance in finding loving homes for pets that are put up for adoption. We can examine dogs for certain congenital diseases such as hip dysplasia and hypothyroidism. We certify those who are cleared and recommend that those who manifest these diseases not be bred again. We believe that one can become a responsible owner through proper education.

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Posted By Pendragon Veterinary Clinic / January 1, 2025

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